Dungeon exploration horror game. The task is to get to the deepest level possible without getting caught by one of the pursuers.


Written in Java with jMonkeyEngine3.

Status: alpha version finished.

Project page: hrave.mrtvolky.cz


2D monster fighting game where light is your best friend and enemy at the same time.


The darkness is impenetrable. The only way to see where you are going is to light a fire or a torch. But doing so might also attract a horde of brain-hungry monsters…

Created with Java and LibGDX.

Status: base engine done, needs more content to be playable.

Procedurally generated textual RPG adventure game.


Have you ever wondered how an AI-driven game of Dungeons & Dragons mixed with a modern first-person RPG would look like? Well this is it! Forget about shiny graphics and high frame rates. Instead, dive deep into your imagination guided by a colourfully described world rich with detail.

The ideal way to play this would be on a phone. Instead of reading a fantasy book, you could live your own adventure in an interactive story. There is no need for fast reactions, you can take your time (as it is basically a turn-based game), just like with a book. But you get a new and individual story every time you play.

Status: basic prototype done, not really playable.

The finest of all crafts – the craft of brewing ale.

The story of Alecraft is a bit long, so let’s not bother. In short, there is a playable 2D version forked off from a game called Minicraft. Then there is a absolutely unplayable 3D version, which is a completely new game meant to carry on the legacy and ideas from the 2D version.

Project homepage: alecraft.dejvino.com

Web-based, single-page, AJAX-powered game. Simplified RPG dungeon exploration. Get to the deepest level possible without being killed!


Built with PHP + Nette Framework and MySQL built with Bootstrap.

The idea is to have a full-featured RPG game with only a minimalistic set of controls. The name of the game is actually an abbreviation: Heart of Esrem = Heart of Every Single Rpg Ever Made. Because what you really do in every RPG game is exploring, fighting, running away, drinking health potions, getting a better equipment, … All of this can be achieved using a few buttons and a random generator.

Status: bare-minimum core done, not yet enjoyably playable.

Link: soon (?)

After touching your Android phone screen, this live wallpaper will spawn thousands of new bacteria from your dirty fingers. From this moment on, they live their own lives.

2014-07-08 19.59.14

This is simply a Game of Life machine with the input taken from where you put your finger while working with the phone. The effect is quite interesting and entertaining with various user-defined visual settings being available (size, color, speed, effects, …). You can watch whole colonies endlessly struggle for survival.

Project page: github.com/Dejvino/BacteriaWallpaper